Tag Archives: network security

5 Critical Reasons to Invest in Cybersecurity in 2024

Have you ever felt that cybersecurity seems a bit daunting or maybe something only big corporations need to worry about? Well, it’s time to move this topic to the top of your to-do list because cybersecurity is more critical than ever, regardless of business size. With October being Cybersecurity Awareness Month, there’s no better time […]

Does New IT Hardware Mean Better Security?

Securing your business’s technology is more important than ever before. As a business owner, one of your top priorities is maintaining the privacy and security of your company and customer data!  You may have already invested a great deal with IT companies to ensure your data is protected. But, have you asked yourself, “Does new […]

3 Things Hackers Are Doing Right Now to Attack Your Systems

While you may hear the occasional news story about a major corporation suffering a data breach, it is really the small and medium-sized businesses that need to be more vigilant with data security. That’s because hackers and cybercriminals are attacking the systems and networks of thousands of small businesses on a daily basis. Many businesses […]

5 Ways You Can Majorly Cut IT Costs Without Risking Security

Cutting costs is critical, especially if your company has been overwhelmed by the coronavirus pandemic. IT costs tend to eat up large chunks of your budget, which is why cutting is imperative. These costs range from the cost of personnel to the maintenance of networks and systems. But, while maintaining high costs can be unsustainable […]

Why Your Business Needs a Network Assessment as Soon as Possible

With your company’s network ever-growing, it can be nearly impossible to know precisely what is occurring on all fronts of your IT infrastructure. That’s why regular assessments should be a crucial part of a proper cybersecurity strategy to keep your business safe. Keeping your business running smoothly is ideal. However, with threats such as network […]

5 Ways to Get Rid of Technology Disruptions in Your Business

Technology is inarguably the backbone of most modern companies. Nearly all business operations nowadays revolve around technology. Whether it’s the network, software or hardware tools, a slight disruption can be detrimental. In a world of radical technological transformations, the risk of being disrupted is high. It’s therefore imperative to stage your business in such a […]

Business Continuity: A Proactive Approach to Minimizing Network Downtime

The present-day business environment is subject to many threats that can cause downtime. Malware attacks, power interruptions, IT disasters and network downtime have a massive impact on the operations of any business. Having a business continuity plan, however, helps minimize downtime and keep operations running smoothly, even when issues do occur. Business continuity is a […]