The Pros and Cons of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and How to Manage It

BYOD, or Bring Your Own Device, policies let employees use their personal smartphones, laptops and other devices at work. BYOD has become so popular that about 65% of employees already use their personal devices at work.

But before you jump on the BYOD bandwagon, it’s important to learn about the pros and cons to help you decide whether it’s the right choice for your business.

Reasons So Many Businesses Love BYOD

BYOD can benefit your business in several ways. Many companies adopt BYOD because they want to:

    • Save money by shifting hardware costs to employees.
    • Improve employee productivity.
    • Make their employees happier.
    • Have access to the latest technologies.

According to the most recent research from Cisco, BYOD saves the average company $350 per employee each year. Access to their own devices also saves each employee about 81 minutes per week.

Employees already know how to use their smartphones and laptops, so they don’t need additional training. Furthermore, they feel happier using their own devices because they already feel comfortable using their functions and can customize them to their own preferences.

The Cons of Bring Your Own Device

Unfortunately, companies can run into problems when they let employees bring their own devices to work. Some of the most common issues include:

    • Lost devices, which slow down employees until they can get replacements.
    • Security leaks that can give outsiders access to confidential data.
    • Unauthorized apps that may contain malware.

Employers also lose some control when they start BYOD programs. Suddenly, you might have to deal with a dozen different types of devices and operating systems. Employees who quit their jobs may take important information with them. Workers may put your network at risk by visiting questionable websites. Just like employees may bring illnesses to work, they could also bring computer viruses.

Solving the Problems of BYOD

Most businesses don’t have IT teams large enough to handle all of the problems that can arise when employees start bringing diverse devices to work. That doesn’t mean you should dismiss the advantages of BYOD, though. A managed service provider (MSP) can help you take advantage of the benefits while you minimize the disadvantages of BYOD.

A reliable MSP can do several things to protect your business from BYOD’s risks. Some of the most helpful services include:

    • Cybersecurity monitoring that identifies and eliminates threats quickly.
    • Configuring, deploying and managing devices so that you retain some control over them.
    • IT consulting that helps you create a BYOD policy that reduces threats without making employees unhappy or less productive.
    • A required virtual private network (VPN) that encrypts data sent between mobile devices and servers.

An MSP can also help you do things like segment devices so employees can keep private and business files separate; use geofencing that blocks access to data when employees leave the office building; and remote wipe lost devices so you can remove sensitive data before someone finds it.

Get the BYOD Help Your Business Deserves 

The specific services that you need to maximize BYOD’s benefits and protect you from its disadvantages will depend on the type of business you operate and the kind of data you want to secure. Without an individualized plan, your BYOD plan may fall short of your expectations.

Contact AxiaTP to learn more about how managed IT services can help you take advantage of BYOD’s benefits while avoiding its disadvantages. The experts at AxiaTP will take a personalized approach designed to meet your company’s needs.