How the Cloud Benefits Small Business Growth

The cloud is continuing to grow, according to data gathered by Gartner. Revenue from the total market is projected to increase from $182.4 billion in 2018 to $331.2 billion in 2022.

This is a massive jump that’s representative of evolving cloud solutions. As the cloud grows, so too do the opportunities presented to small businesses leveraging it.

But you can’t just buy “cloud” for your business; successful implementation requires an understanding of which cloud-based tools are available on today’s market and how they can be implemented. Each cloud implementation is unique, and the industry has personalized solutions that run the gamut of business operations.

Here’s everything you need to know about integrating cloud-based solutions into your business.

No Two Clouds Are Alike

The cloud is a simple term to describe using remote servers for your business. The internet itself is technically a cloud, but there’s more to it than that. There are various types of clouds within which you can operate. Gartner breaks it down into five categories:

Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) outsources business processes, which are often automated, to the cloud. These are typically done on a consumption-based or subscription service contract and give flexibility in IT-intensive process implementations. Providers like IBM, Accenture and Salesforce offer BPaaS solutions that free your business to grow dynamically while focusing on what you do best.

Software as a Service (SaaS) is the largest part of the market and leverages cloud-based application services to deliver third-party applications without the need to install software on local workstations. This makes it easy to streamline processes across multiple sites and ensure consistency throughout the organization. Microsoft’s Office 365 suite is a powerful SaaS example.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) migrates application infrastructure services to the cloud. In doing so, you leverage virtualization to run an operating system or server more remotely. This gives you the chance to insert middleware between your centralized server and remote workers. It’s quite useful if you have high turnovers with remote workers. Apprenda is a well-known provider.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) leverages cloud system infrastructure services for access to massive remote data centers. Microsoft Azure, VMware, Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are popular examples of IaaS services, and Netflix started as a small mail-order DVD company that leveraged AWS to scale into a leading streaming service and content creator.

Cloud Management and Security Services include businesses like Axia Technology Partners that provide managed IT services and security, along with other centralized services to keep your cloud deployment secure. We act as a one-stop shop that ensures you receive the benefits of the cloud without the consequences.

An Affordable Growth Solution

Small businesses learn quickly they are always in need of new solutions. Scaling a company to grow with business needs isn’t easy. Thankfully, there are available cloud solutions for any need.

The proliferation of mobile computing means everyone has a potential node that can be used for cloud-based deployments. Whether a device is running Android or iOS, it can be seamlessly integrated with Windows machines using a cloud-based infrastructure. Of course, that also requires a solid bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy.

Cloud deployments are also much cheaper than buying the software outright. When Adobe Creative Suite 6 was released in 2012, for example, it cost $1,299–$2,599 to purchase. The company has since migrated to a Creative Cloud that costs anywhere from $19.99 to $52.99 per month.

This subscription licensing structure dramatically lowers the entry cost and makes Adobe’s powerful tools available to businesses who otherwise couldn’t afford it. Apply those savings across each provider, and the cloud’s savings are clear.

Securing the Cloud

On top of cost savings and ease of use, cloud-based applications are more secure. You’re able to access updates easier and faster from the developer. It’s a model of shared responsibility, where you’re able to ensure regulatory compliance through a network of trusted partnerships. Compliance with local, national and global regulations like HIPAA, PCI and more ensures you are secure.

Contact Axia Technology Partners to learn how to grow your business using scalable cloud solutions today.