Custom Software Development in Six Steps

Contracting a software development company to build an application to support your business processes may seem daunting, but with the extensive knowledge and experience of the custom software developers at AxiaTP, we can ensure that the engagement is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

If you’re considering custom software development for your business, these six steps will explain what the process of working with our developers would be like.

Step 1: Presentation

We begin our relationship with a few meetings to get to know you, understand what you need, explain what we can offer you, and then finally demonstrate how we can work together. 

The first meeting is generally a, ‘are we a good fit‘ kind of meeting. In our second, we will delve deeper into the challenges your organization is facing. And at the third meeting, we will present you with a plan for overcoming your challenges and increasing your process efficiency with process automation.

Step 2: Assessment

If your problem is especially intricate, it may require that we go through a brief assessment period to understand all of the details involved thoroughly. This usually takes two to three days but is not required for everyone.

Step 3: Design

The design phase is when we create the custom software blueprint. Expect several meetings, phone calls, and emails during this step as we will need a lot of information from you. The design generally makes up between 10% and 20% of the project. During this step, we build wireframes and hash out functional requirements, and at this point, everyone involved with the project will be clear as to what’s being built and why.

Step 4: Build

Things begin to come to life during the build stage. The Developers start to develop, our Business Analysts will continue to clarify and demonstrate progress, and you will be kept up to date with weekly project reports.

Step 5: Acceptance

Along the way, and when the application has been completed, you will have the opportunity to accept (or reject) the work presented to you. Once you have accepted it, your warranty period will begin.

Step 6: Warranty and Upgrades

We encourage our clients to consider engaging in an enhancement plan to keep their application up to pace with their needs. Enhancements are items that can be seen as a lack of functionality that escalates in priority until the items are worth building, and will also ensure that your application keeps pace with new technology.

These six steps should clarify how an engagement with our development team works, but if you have any questions or would like more details about any aspect of our process please contact us. However, if you’re ready to save valuable time and resources with a custom application, don’t wait another second!