Category Archives: Custom Software

So, what is this “Unified Communications” thing, anyhow?

Have you heard the term unified communications tossed around lately? It seems to be used a lot in IT, telecomm, and work collaboration circles. Unified communications is a newer concept that refers to a conceptual platform where multiple communications channels can join together to increase productivity and facilitate collaboration. Here’s one way to look at […]

Systems Integration or Custom Software Development: Which Is Right For Your Business?

Whether your business is on the fast track and growing by the day, or it’s struggling to reach its targets due to lackluster productivity, upgrading your software could be the difference between failure and optimal success. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 70% of all businesses with employees fail within 10 years; and while there […]

Who Owns Your Custom Software Code?

You did it! You finally bit the bullet and contracted a custom software developer to build a custom application for your business. It has automated your workflow, increased process efficiency, and is saving you time and money. But now you see that if it just had an extra ‘bell’ here and a ‘whistle’ there, you could […]

How Custom Software Saved Christmas

One cold winter night in the North Pole, during the height of the pre-Christmas season, Santa’s workshop was bustling. The toy elves were working away as Dasher, Dancer, and Prancer, and their reindeer friends were training for the big run. Santa set about to review the annual Naughty & Nice Report. He sat down to his […]

How Software and IT Support Can Build Your Business

Most small businesses turn to a custom software developer after they’re established. Custom software, after all, is a big investment; one that typically makes the most sense after you’ve had a few years of operations and know what’s best for your business.  But for Show Circuit Online Sales, a livestock auction business, custom software helped […]

How One Custom Software Solution Powers Special Olympics Volunteers Across the Globe

Developing custom software is an exciting opportunity to transform your business or organization. What’s even more exciting? When your project ends up positively impacting an ecosystem of sister organizations. That’s exactly what happened when Special Olympics Indiana came to AxiaTP in 2015 ready to make a big digital transformation. The Leap to Custom Software Like […]

5 Ways Custom Software Saves You Money in the Long Run

It’s true: Custom software is an investment of your time, energy, and money.  While the upfront costs of custom software development can be intimidating, the investment is likely transformative to your business. The long-term cost for implementation can also be lower than traditional, off-the-shelf solutions.  But maintenance isn’t the only way a custom software solution […]

5 Steps to Refine Your Business Processes

In most businesses, certain processes are repeatable – everyday it’s the same tasks and the same checklist being checked off. It may seem like you have the procedures down pat, but how can you be so sure? When you’ve been doing the same for so long, how do you know if that same old way, […]

5 Common Concerns About Managed Services

Having a managed services provider (MSP) is becoming more and more popular, especially among small and medium-sized businesses. Some business owners are hesitant to leave behind in-house IT and other familiar options. Their concerns about managed services are valid, but not always grounded in fact. Here are some common concerns about managed IT services and […]

Best Internet Solution for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses: Dedicated Internet Access

It’s simple: small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) need the best internet solution for your company’s communication needs.  In the past, you might have taken for granted that your internet just worked. It was a standard, in-office solution. But, your organization is evolving, and you are diversifying where and when your employees are working. Beyond technological […]