Indiana Immunization Coalition

Learn how we helped IIC streamline and automate their HPV MOC program with a custom-built online platform that more than 500 Indiana healthcare providers now use.

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Since 2003, The Indiana Immunization Coalition (IIC) has been working to “reduce the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases through immunization education, advocacy, promotion, and statewide collaborative partnerships.”

IIC developed the HPV Maintenance of Certificate program (HPV MOC) in 2014 to assist physicians with their lifetime learning credits and increase awareness of HPV and its immunization rates. Through the HPV MOC program, participants submitted data that IIC manually entered. In 2018, Indiana’s health department mandated participation in the program by many healthcare providers. Here’s how we worked to create a custom online platform for IIC to automate data entry among the huge uptick in participation rates.

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Customer Name
Indiana Immunization Coalition (IIC)

Products and Services
Custom Software


Organization Size
Small (5-25)

The Challenge 

To participate in the HPV MOC, physicians must record and track certain patient data:

  • The number of male and female patients they treat
  • The number of their patients who are eligible for the HPV vaccine
  • The percentage of patients they vaccinate

When the HPV MOC initially began, there were approximately 50 participating physicians. The physicians would submit their data to IIC via email or over the phone. IIC kept track of this data manually using spreadsheets.

However, in 2018 the Indiana State Department of Health mandated that all Indiana immunization providers who participate in the federally-funded Vaccines for Children Program and whose first dose HPV vaccine rates were less than 25% participate in the HPV MOC. This mandate meant between 400 and 600 providers would need to take part in the project. The uptick in numbers prompted IIC to seek an online platform to manage the project.

The Solution 

AxiaTP’s custom software development team developed an online application to record data and produce reports. In 2018, the HPV MOC online platform went live. Accessed via IIC’s website, the online application has several features:

  • A registration page for participants to create an account
  • A home page that displays participant profiles, places of work, program start and end dates, percentage of vaccinated patients out of eligible and a project to-do list
  • A summary of the project page, with vaccine information
  • A pre-test for participants to determine their level of knowledge about the disease and vaccine
  • A digital toolkit with answers to questions participants may have about the project, the disease and the vaccine
  • A data tracking page where participants record their progress and data tracking reminder pop-ups that appear if data hasn’t been entered daily
  • A post-test when participants have completed the program
The HPV MOC platform allows administrators to view and export:
  • Active participants
  • Participants who have completed the course
  • The percentage of patients vaccinated
An automatic report is generated monthly, displaying month-to-date information for:
  • The number of eligible males and females
  • The total number of eligible patients
  • The percentage vaccinated

The Results

Since IIC debuted the HPV MOC online platform, they have seen a 900% increase in participants. More than 500 Indiana providers have registered for the course, as well as immunization providers from seven other states. As participants complete the program, an analysis of the data submitted and HPV vaccine improvement rates will be summarized.

The HPV MOC online platform has given IIC an easier and more efficient way to manage and analyze data, as well as report it to the Indiana Department of Health, while freeing up valuable resources that can be redirected to other beneficial pursuits.

By the Numbers:

  • 900% increase in participants
  • 500+ Indiana providers registered

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