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The Role of Managed IT Services in Indianapolis Business

Managed IT services in Indianapolis can make it easier for your business to thrive. With managed IT services, you gain access to professionals who can give you information about the hardware, software and services your company needs to be more secure and efficient. Like most companies, you likely already rely on IT equipment like routers, […]

Causes of Network Downtime and How to Avoid Them

The current digital environment requires organizations to have a reliable system connected through a vibrant ecosystem of networks. These connections have made it possible to conduct business at any time, from any location or time zone. But unplanned network downtime is costly to any business, causing disruption of production, loss of data and revenues and […]

The Pros and Cons of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and How to Manage It

BYOD, or Bring Your Own Device, policies let employees use their personal smartphones, laptops and other devices at work. BYOD has become so popular that about 65% of employees already use their personal devices at work. But before you jump on the BYOD bandwagon, it’s important to learn about the pros and cons to help you decide […]

5 Signs Your Indianapolis Business Needs an IT Service Company

Growing businesses who attempt to manage their IT in-house often neglect critical cybersecurity monitoring and strategic infrastructure planning. If you own a business in Indianapolis, you’re in good company, as thousands of entrepreneurs say this city is the best place for starting a business and have made their way in this commercial hub. But without […]

Azure vs AWS for Your Indianapolis Business

Discover the pros and cons of Azure vs AWS so you can make the best choice for your business. Cloud computing has become so crucial to businesses nationwide that 96% of organizations currently use this technology. Businesses are realizing the benefits of cloud technology, reporting that it gives them easier access to apps, helps them […]

Common Traits Among the Best Managed IT Service Companies in Indianapolis

When hiring a managed service provider, make sure they have these top 5 traits. There are plenty of managed IT service companies in Indianapolis. Of course, some of those companies are more reliable than others, so how can your business choose the best managed service provider for you? 1. They Take a Proactive Approach to […]

Office 365 vs G Suite for Your Indianapolis Business

Before choosing either Office 365 or G Suite for your cloud-based application software, learn about the features of each service and how they compare. At first glance in the Office 365 vs G Suite debate, each platform seems to offer similar software. After all, they both give you access to cloud-based apps designed for writing […]

3 Reasons to Embrace Change Requests

Ask anyone who’s been in a contract relationship how they feel about change request forms and the response is almost unanimous, they love to hate them. The reason is pretty straight forward; they tend to add project cost, slow things down and remove freedom. We’ve found that without them, we’ve had too many hard conversations […]

Custom Software Development in Six Steps

Contracting a software development company to build an application to support your business processes may seem daunting, but with the extensive knowledge and experience of the custom software developers at AxiaTP, we can ensure that the engagement is as smooth and stress-free as possible. If you’re considering custom software development for your business, these six steps will explain what […]

How to Avoid Potential Network Failures

For small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), an IT network failure can be devastating because you don’t have the resources of large corporations to bounce back from such disasters. Preparation against such devastation may be the only course for you to avoid failure and survive with the least damage if failure occurs. SMBs must be proactive […]