Author Archives: Star Raymor

7 Signs It’s Time to Get a New IT Services Provider

7 Signs It’s Time to Get a New IT Services Provider Indianpolis

Change can be hard and time-consuming, but sometimes it’s necessary. This is especially true when it comes to changing your relationship with your IT services provider. But how do you know when it’s time to move on? There can be many reasons to start exploring a relationship with a new IT services provider, but the[…]

How Good IT Boosts Team Morale

In the days of the Great Resignation, keeping employees happy is more important than ever. While many factors play a role in employee morale and satisfaction, one is often overlooked by leadership: workplace technology. Technology is at the heart of almost everything these days, and without solid IT solutions and a workplace technology strategy in[…]

How IT Affects the Decision Making of Entrepreneurs in Business Management

Today’s IT is sophisticated and forward-thinking, far beyond the days of clunky desktops and a small help desk team troubleshooting when computers freeze. In fact, the most successful business leaders and entrepreneurs today rely on IT not just for day-to-day operations, but to make critical decisions about their business. Here’s how! Access to Data and[…]