5 Non-Technical IT Skills Your IT Provider Should Have

Stereotypes have long reduced IT providers to antisocial employees who only emerge from their cubicles to troubleshoot computer problems. This is an outdated idea! Forward-thinking companies know that highly-skilled IT providers offer teams of experts proficient in more than just IT solutions; it’s important to search for a provider with a variety of non-technical IT skills, too. 

Whether working on premise or off location, your outsourced team should offer more than just troubleshooting and must possess a variety of non-technical skills. Let’s review some of the non-technical skills your IT provider should have.

1. Problem-Solving Abilities

Perhaps all IT work is problem-solving; but identifying IT providers who specialize in finding solutions in every aspect of their work is a goal more companies should have. Clever, strategic moves can do more than keep your internet up and running; they can save your company both money and time.

Part of problem-solving is taking suggestions. Often the end users of IT programs—i.e., most employees at your company—may have helpful input on the function of the program, even if they aren’t technologically inclined. IT providers who work collaboratively with your team to solve the problems they bring up will be able to take the company further.

2. Interpersonal Skills

Though IT work is historically solitary, hiring IT providers with solid interpersonal skills is a smart move. IT workers must be able to collaborate with their team, work well with your employees when implementing new IT strategies, and communicate efficiently with higher-ups regarding challenges and solutions in their work.

IT workers need to communicate clearly both in writing and face to face. Conducting themselves pleasantly with your team encourages open lines of communication and can prevent problems before they start.

3. Precision

IT work involves a significant amount of repetitive work. Careful programming requires extensive attention to detail and can result in mental exhaustion. Having the commitment and skill to do detailed work again and again make for excellent IT providers. IT workers cannot be sloppy, but should instead thrive on accuracy.

4. Instructive Skills

Your IT department will spend a significant portion of their time explaining technical things to your non-technical employees. This means that they need to be instructive, confident, and helpful when teaching your team how to use the sandbox version of the site or untangling a download error on a company laptop. IT providers who make outstanding and patient teachers are the partners you need in your company.

5. Assertiveness

Whoever leads your IT efforts needs to be assertive in their position. As experts in their field leading an important arm of your operation, they must be able to explain to you how and why they need to do something a certain way, whether you agree or not. It takes confidence to justify extensive or expensive IT projects to executives, so assertiveness in this position is essential.

Not listening to a shy IT tech can cause expensive and even dangerous digital snafus on your end. Assertive IT professionals will do a great job of justifying projects, defending your company, and protecting your assets.

Find A Provider

When you identify a skilled IT provider and bring them in to support your company, you advance your innovation potential. Find partners who are ready to take on the responsibility of the digital structure of your company and its day-to-day maintenance requirements. IT providers who possess these five non-technical skills are invaluable in a market that depends on IT infrastructure more every day.

Contact AxiaTP today to learn more about what we offer, including great managed IT services in Indianapolis and a skilled team. We’ll work with you to build and implement a winning IT strategy!